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About Us

Welcome to Techno Future

In B.R.Tech your child will spark new passions, build confidence, and have fun advancing their skills. Wherever they are on their tech learning pathway.

We look forward to them joining our community.

Teacher & Staffs
Total Sessions
Total Students
Labs Project

Kids Activities

Camps & Workshop

B.R.Tech workshops and seasonal camps intrigue and encourage kids to create, code, prototype and share their ideas! With access to our awesome Makerspace tools and technology, all it takes is a little curiosity and willingness to experiment.

School Programs

We have developed an extensive collection of hands-on workshops, Camps and Courses that connect concepts practically for grades K-12. They're fun, engaging, and flexible!

Courses Curriculum

Our Courses Curriculum make a difference. From rebuilding computers for those without access to essential tech, to exciting leadership opportunities, STEAM Centre offers many programs for students and the community to get involved.


We participate in many competitions inside the Arab Republic of Egypt and around the world with the participation of many countries and teams, with the aim of developing children's skills, enabling them to solve problems and giving the self-confidence required in the challenges of the twenty-first century
Invest on your kids

Best Teacher
Will Teach


Create and Build

All Art


Get your child

to innovate

Join with BR Tech

Enrol Your Child
in Techno Future

In B.R.Tech your child will spark new passions,
build confidence, and have fun advancing their skills.deserunt mollit anim idest laborum