Projects Page


  • Science - Experiments Publisher
Promote kid’s natural passion to science and scientific experiments! Learn about Nature, Physics and Air. The growth of plants, Plants sweat, air pressure, clay absorption, how does the magnifier work, mixture of colors & electrostatic energy! Learn about water, air and chemistry. Air Pressure &air flow, Surface tension, floating and sinking, facts about soap and water. Facts about Water and oil and production gases like carbon dioxide! etc.

What’s next !

  • IOT Internet of Things
This project prepares children for future life by studying the concept of Internet of things IOT. Software: Publisher.

Make your animated story

  • Creativity- LEGO building- PowerPoint
Children become storytellers using LEGO pieces to make an animated story using PowerPoint. The project aims to develop the skills of creativity, imagination, engineering design and presentation. Software: MS. PowerPoint.

Basic STEM L1-L2

  • WeDo Programming STEM activities- WeDo 1.0
Students will be able to LEGO models featuring working motors and sensors; program their models; and explore a series of theme-based activities while developing their skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as language, literacy, and social studies. learning Objectives:  Think creatively to make a working model.  Develop vocabulary and communication skills to explain how the model works.  Establish links between cause and effect.  Reflect on how to find answers and imagine new possibilities.  Brainstorm ideas and endeavor to bring some of them to fruition.  Make fair tests by changing one factor and observing or measuring the effect.  Make systematic observations and measurements.  Display and communicate data using tables.  Follow 2D drawings to build a 3D model.  Think logically and create a program to produce a specific behavior. Write and present creative stories using models for visual and dramatic effects.

Jr Chemistry

  • 5 Level - Level2
Jr.Chemistry builds a strong foundation in chemistry with exposure to a broad range of chemical phenomena and hands-on laboratory experiences. Get introduced to the field of chemistry and famous chemists. Set up the lab space and learn how to safely handle the lab equipment and chemicals. Learn about indicators with litmus solution and write a secret message in invisible ink. Test the inks from your colored markers on the chromatography racetrack to reveal their different color components. Experiment with air pressure, surface tension, and the physical properties of fluids. Experiment with metals, iron and copper. Investigate carbon dioxide. Dissolve metals with electrochemical reactions. Explore water and its elements, saturated and unsaturated solutions, and crystals. Split water into hydrogen and oxygen with electrolysis, and form oxygen from hydrogen peroxide. Experiment with soaps, detergents, and emulsions of water and oil. Investigate chemistry in the kitchen by experimenting with sugar, honey, starch, eggs and proteins, fatty acids, and calcium.

Jr Robotics

  • 5 Level - Level2 -Level3
Get introduced to Robots; learn robot parts and use EV3 software to program your robot!  Large Motor, Move Steering  Medium Motor, Move Tank  Wait Block  Touch Sensor  Color Sensor  On-Brick Programming.  Ultrasonic Sensor  Gyro Sensor  Brick Buttons Sound Block  Display / Brick Statues

Jr Design

  • 5 Level - Level2 -Level3
Green City Challenge: It involves building an energy efficient city that require designing and programming a robot to complete tasks such as powering a wind turbine and closing a dam. Key Learning Values: Covers key areas in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Literacy. Design, build and present robots that can be tested and developed to perform specific tasks. Experiment with speed and distance whilst exploring the effects of friction. Develop research skills, make predictions and draw conclusions. Exercise problem-solving and team-work skills.